Cupping Therapy

If you experience frequent headaches or chronic musculoskeletal pain, consider cupping therapy for relief. Cupping therapy is an ancient practice that uses suction to increase circulation to specific areas.  we, uses cupping therapy to treat a wide range of health problems.

What is cupping therapy? 

Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese practice that eases acute and chronic pain. During treatment,  cups are placed on different parts of the body, like your back, legs, arms, or chest.  The cups create a vacuum, pulling your skin upward and increasing blood flow to the area. That stimulates your body’s natural healing process, relieving inflammation and tension.

Additionally, it’s thought that cupping unclogs the pores, helping your body release toxins.

What types of health problems can benefit from cupping therapy? 

We uses cupping therapy to treat a variety of health problems, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Respiratory issues, like asthma
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal issues, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Headaches and migraines
  • High blood pressure
  • Sports injuries

You might also benefit from cupping therapy if you work a physically demanding job.  If you regularly experience neck, back, leg, or shoulder pain. 

What is recovery like after cupping therapy? 

After cupping therapy, you can return to work and other activities right away. In the days following treatment, it’s normal to experience bruises and/or red marks on your skin where the cups have been placed. These shouldn’t cause any discomfort and typically heal within a few days.

 Is cupping therapy safe? 

Cupping therapy is safe and typically well-tolerated, but it isn’t for everyone. That’s especially true if you have an underlying medical condition that increases your risk of blood clots or bleeding, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or hemophilia. 

To explore the benefits of cupping therapy, make an appointment  by calling  or enquiring online today.

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