Mircro Needling

Turn Back Time with Micro-needling

Have you ever wished you could reverse the clock? Now you can with micro-needling, the latest A-list adored treatment that rejuvenates your skin for a fresher, younger look. Rest assured, it's not as painful as it sounds, and the benefits are abundant! Say goodbye to wrinkles and scarring and embrace a smoother, more youthful complexion.

How Microneedling works

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes fine needles to create tiny, evenly-spaced micro-injuries in the skin. This initiates the body’s natural wound healing process, prompting the healthy surrounding tissue to repair the damage and restore the skin to its optimal condition.

This reparative process helps diminish the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, sagging, and texture irregularities such as acne scars or stretch marks.

Recent studies have demonstrated that microneedling effectively targets melanocytes responsible for melanin overproduction, resulting in brighter, more even-toned skin.

Common questions about Microneedling

Who is not a suitable candidate for Microneedling?

Microneedling is generally safe for all skin types, but individuals who are pregnant, have a history of eczema, psoriasis, herpes, diabetes, or other chronic conditions should consult with their physician for approval.

Does it cause discomfort?

Some discomfort may occur in certain areas of the face during the procedure. However, the treatment is relatively quick, and your professional skin therapist will adjust the treatment according to your skin's tolerance over time.

How many treatments are needed?

For long-lasting, visible results, a series of treatments is recommended with any advanced skin treatment. The number of sessions required varies depending on your unique skin and goals, but typically, a series of 3 – 6 Microneedling treatments, spaced 4 – 6 weeks apart, is advised.

What is the downtime?

There is minimal downtime with this minimally invasive procedure. You may experience mild redness and irritation for 2 – 3 days after Microneedling, but this will quickly subside. As part of your aftercare program,  It's essential to follow the post-treatment home care routine provided , as it is crucial for maintaining and enhancing your results.

Here’s what to expect during a Microneedling treatment:

Here’s what to expect during a  Microneedling treatment:


We  will assess your skin and determine suitability. A patch test for advanced resurfacing may be conducted, and you'll receive guidance on preparing your skin for optimal results.


  • Consultation: Safety and suitability of treatment are reassessed, and photos of your skin may be taken.
  • Preparation: Your skin is cleansed, analyzed, degreased, and resurfaced ready for the treatment.
  • Treatment:  We will use an appropriate needle size and depth to target your skin health goals. The Microneedling tool is administered evenly across your skin using the exclusive Dermalogica technique for best results. Skin is then wiped with sterile saline solution on gauze, followed by a final application of after care products.


 Most people require minimal downtime, if any.

You may experience redness for a few days after the procedure, which is a natural response. Your will  be provide  with post-procedure instructions, including how to apply after care products and what to avoid for the next 24-72 hours. Results will be visible within two weeks. It’s recommended to schedule a series of microneedling treatments 4-6 weeks apart for optimal improvements and skin maintenance.

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